The Chinese American Museum of Chicago's mission is to advance the appreciation of Chinese American culture through exhibitions, education, and research and to preserve the past, present, and future of Chinese Americans primarily in the Midwest.
This recipe is from their cookbook Have You Eaten Yet? which you can purchase here.
To see a cooking demonstration click here.
Steamed Pork Patty by Margaret Larson
In the late 1930's, because of the war in China, I attended school near my home until just before my 8th birthday. My family lived in the town of Samkong (Kwangtung Province) in the hospital run by my mother Dr. Hoi-poh Yue. When I started 3rd grade, I went to boarding school 8 miles away in Linhsien, a 3-hour walk, rather difficult for a child. I walked to school each Sunday afternoon, and returned home each Saturday afternoon, so I had only one day at home with my family each week. My father, R. Paul Montgomery, had a room in the mission school. I was homesick and wanted to go home with him during the week, but that was not possible due to the distance between home and school. One Monday afternoon, I asked to go home with Father on his bicycle. I ran after him, the dorm matron trying to stop me. The matron's bound feet prevented her from running fast enough to catch up with me. Father took me home that one time, as his heart was breaking. My mother was working with the Red Cross, helping the war-ravaged citizens. She sat me down and firmly lectured me about the importance of an education, telling me that I must stay in school and study hard. However, Mother promised to come fetch me on Saturday to take me out for dim sum, a rare treat at that time. My grandmother was worried about the food I was given in boarding school, so she would make the meat patty for me whenever a relative or villager was going from Samkong to Linhsien. There was no refrigeration in those days, as it had to be timed just right for my meals.
Steamed Pork Patty
1/2 lb ground pork; 1 T grated ginger; 1 can water chestnuts, drained; 4 dry Chinese mushrooms, reconstituted in hot water and stem discarded; 1/2 t salt; 1 t soy sauce; 1/2 t cornstarch; 1/4 t sesame oil; pinch salt.
Mix all ingredients together. Form into a flat patty. Put on a plate and steam with cover on. Some people use cheesecloth to keep the moisture in. When water boils, steam for 10 minutes. Sprinkle with a little sesame oil.
Taste From Home is brought to you by the Chicago Cultural Alliance. Our mission is to connect, promote, and support centers of cultural heritage for a more inclusive Chicago.
Taste from Home is collection of recipes and stories inspired by the food that defines who we are and where we come from. As we are all home exploring new recipes and cuisines, we encourage you to share a recipe and story with us that connects you to your family and cultural heritage.
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